Monday, May 01, 2006

AB 1847 Leslie [SUPPORT] Tax Credit for Small Business Barrier Removal

AB 1847 Leslie - CDR is a co-sponsor of this legislation.
We were disappointed that it was kept in appropriations.

The first hearing in Tax and Revenue was March 28th. It enjoyed wide support from many disability organizations, including CFILC, CCB, CDR, CARA; business organizations including the restaurant association, builders association; and local governments through the local building officials-CALBO. The current opposition is the tax reform group [letter in file]. This bill is not dead - it was sent to suspense, the committee requested amending language to bring the state and federal credits more into balance.
We are still looking for more supporters and co-authors. Ask your representatives to sign on as co-author! We currently have 14 - 3 dems and 11 repubs
